What we do

We offers catering services by providing nutritious and healthy meals to our customers. This service is usually based on agreed terms of contract between us and the customer and we make sure our part of the contract is well executed by always placing high premium on our customer’s satisfaction. Upon this service, food is prepared by our team of well qualified and experienced caterers and supplied to customers from the client’s preferred location where the food is served or dished out in an environment meeting Health and safety requirements.

Cafeteria Services

We also offer Cafeteria Services where companies which have their own canteens and kitchen may seek our services and our team of well qualified and experienced caterers will cook from their company’s kitchen and serve staff at their canteen. This service is usually recommended for companies who have their own Staff Kitchen and Canteen.

Corporates Events, Parties and Weddings

We take orders for all occasions – weddings, parties, naming ceremonies, funerals and all other social gatherings. Depending on the customer’s specifications, we provide services like buffet, cocktail etc.

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